The 2nd Universal Cup Semifinal & 2024 Summer Summit Announcement¶

UPD: We plan to host the 2024 Universal Cup Summer Summits in Cancún, Mexico. The event has been scheduled from June 19 to June 23. The detailed schedule, materials, and list of the invited teams will be announced in the future. The 2nd Universal Cup Semifinals will be held on June 23, 2024. The contest will start at 17:00 (UTC+8) and end at 22:00 (UTC+8). Please note that there will be no extra time windows on the semifinals contest - all the teams must start in the only official time window. You may check the event time on your local timezone here: Link. The onsite participants will participate in the semifinals on June 22nd (one day before the online participants).
Hello everyone, we are happy to announce the 2nd Universal Cup Semifinal and the 2024 Universal Cup Summer Summit.
In Season 2, thanks to everyone's support and efforts from our staff, there was a lot of progress compared to Season 1. We have over 3000 teams registered and so far we have scheduled over 30 stages in this season. We also managed to implement a registration webpage and host all kinds of contests on our platform, including the run-twice contest, the prime contest and the challenge contest. We also reached many agreements with Huawei about future cooperation, including the most exciting part: the onsite final. (Cooperation between Universal Cup and Huawei)
In the 2024 ICPC Latin American Championship, Universal Cup was invited to run the Huawei Challenge as a major part of the event. Our co-president Jingbang also gave a brief introduction of Universal Cup during the event to all the participants and coaches.

We still have more things coming! We have just finalized the rules for selecting the 2nd Universal Cup Final teams. The 2nd Universal Cup Semifinals will take place online, in order to select teams for the Final Contest. The contest is scheduled on one of the last two weekends of June (June 23 or 30). In addition, we have decided to host a special event, the 2024 Universal Cup Summer Summit in June. Supported by Huawei, we plan on inviting 10 teams to the wonderful city of Cancun, Mexico. The event will last around 5 days, including an onsite competition using the semi-final contest, a city tour, and some other activities. All fees will be covered by us. The exact schedule will be announced soon.

We want to express our gratitude again to everyone, especially problem-setters who have shared their wonderful contests with us. We are also planning to design souvenirs and prizes which will go to our contributors and participants, so stay tuned!
Here are the rules for the semifinal and the summer summit.
Online Stages¶
The online stages last from September 2, 2023, to April 20, 2024. For details on the rules, schedule, and ratings, please visit the following links: rules, schedule, and ratings.
The online stages of this season will end on Apr 20, 2024. The ratings of the online stages will be finalized and published on Apr 23, 2024.
Note: As we mentioned in the rules, if you participated in the onsite event of an online stage and would like to add your onsite standings to the ratings, you must reach out to the organizing committee before April 23, 2024. We will not accept submissions after the publication of the results.
The 2nd Universal Cup Semifinals will take place online, in order to select teams for the Final Contest. The contest is scheduled on one of the last two weekends of June (June 23 or 30), with the same rules of the online stages, except the time windows part. There will be only one window for the Semifinal and it will be an original, fresh contest, which was not used in any other events. The exact time will be announced soon.
Universal Cup Finals¶
The 2nd Universal Cup Final event will invite at least 20 teams. The promotion process will start at least three months before the event. The promotion process is as follows.
Part 1: Online Stages (up to 10 teams)¶
The top 10 teams from the season's ratings will be invited to the Finals. The teams will have to choose whether to accept the invitation in the first week of the promotion process.
Part 2: Contributors (up to 2 teams)¶
In appreciation of teams contributing contests during the online stages, up to 2 slots are reserved. This applies to teams that submitted at least one contest but didn't qualify in Part 1. The highest-rated two among them will advance to the onsite finals. In cases where a contest is contributed by multiple teams, only one may advance using this contribution. Teams that would like to compete for the contributor slots will have to apply within the first week when the promotion process begins.
Part 3: Semifinals (at least 8 teams)¶
Subtracted by the number of teams promoted from Part 1 and 2, all other finals slots will be distributed through the Semifinals. Excluding teams that are already invited, teams will be invited in the order of the semifinal result. Each team will have up to 3 days to decide whether to accept the invitation. This process will start after the promotion process of Part 1 and 2 finishes and terminate when all slots are distributed.
The total number of onsite slots will be at least 20. However, the Universal Cup committee reserves the right to distribute slots if there are more.
The 2024 Universal Cup Summer Summit¶
The Summer Summit event will have 10 slots in total and it will only be based on the season rating. Teams will be invited in the order of the season's rating. Each team will have up to 3 days to decide whether to accept the invitation. Note that being invited to the Summer Summit doesn't guarantee a slot for the onsite Finals.
Universal Cup
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